The Flat Belly Fix is a 21-day weight loss regime that targets lower belly fat while also helping you get in the best shape of your life. It takes approximately three weeks to form a habit but rarely do online programs provide you with enough information to last you that long. So, by the third week, you’re left wondering what to do because you have not yet formed a habit, and next thing you know, you’re back to where you started. The Flat Belly Fix makes sure that doesn’t happen by providing you with a detailed regime that will take you right up until your newfound health and fitness are engraved into your lifestyle. Contents [hide] 1 What is The Flat Belly Fix About? 2 Who Is The Creator of The Flat Belly Fix? 3 Overview of The Flat Belly Fix Program 3.1 21 Day System 3.2 7-Minute Flat Belly Protocol 3.3 Flat Belly Smoothie Recipes 4 Advantages of the Program 5 Disadvantages of the Program 6 The Verdict WHAT IS THE FLAT BELLY FIX